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Brownstone Brooklyn Market Report: 4Q16
March 9, 2017. The Brennan Marketing & Sales Brownstone Brooklyn Market Report for 4Q16 is here!
Passive House — What is it, and why do I keep hearing about it?
January 9, 2017. It’s not uncommon to hear about new and improved ways to cut down energy consumption in your home, no matter the location, size, or type. However, you may have started to hear more and more about Passive Houses. But what exactly are they?
Shop Brooklyn. Now, and ALWAYS.
December 21, 2016. At BRENNAN we take pride in EVERYTHING Brooklyn. Most of our real estate agents do not only live here, they are also actively involved in and in tune with what’s happening in our borough.
3 Tips to Heighten Curb Appeal without Breaking the Bank
November 2, 2016. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Top 10 BK Real Estate: We’re there.
September 20, 2016. We've got news for you — real estate news that is.
She makes lamps out of mushrooms. How cool is that?!
August 4, 2016. Brooklyn expert Donald Brennan of Brennan Real Estate introduces us to a Brooklyn designer experimenting with what is being called “bio design”. We go inside the Industry City studio of Danielle Trofe Design to see how she makes gorgeous lamps out of mushrooms.
Calling All Talented Graphic Designers
June 27, 2016. Hey there! We assume you’re reading this for one very obvious reason: you need a job. Did we nail that, or what?
14 million girls under 18 will be married this year.
June 10, 2016. That’s 38 thousand today – or 13 girls in the last 30 seconds. Thousands of people around the world are coming together to run for education and gender equality for young women! Now is your time to show that you care. Inspire change by running with us in the Komera Global Run 2016! Won’t you join […]
Donald Brennan X East Wind Snack Shop — On PIX 11
June 1, 2016. Donald Brennan knows Brooklyn better than anyone and how to find hidden gems. Donald introduces us to Chef Chris Cheung, the owner of East Wind Snack Shop in Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn. World renowned having worked at restaurants such as Nobu, Jean Georges and Ruby Foos, we learn how this entrepreneur took a leap and creates […]
Coming Out of the Woodwork
April 4, 2016. Founders Luke Fasano and Adam Johnson really hit the nail on the head with their ever evolving collection of furniture designed, sourced and built locally from their studio in Williamsburg, which includes a full in-house wood shop and welding studio.
So a baker walks into a bar…
April 1, 2016. It’s here — the next episode of “My Two Cents” with Butter & Scotch, founded by two drunken bakers armed with sprinkles and whiskey. Crown Heights never tasted so good!
Brennan Buzz
February 2, 2016. Did you see us in the news? Not to brag but, 2015 #1 HIGHEST SALE PRICE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION TOWNHOMES! We're getting more press than Donald Trump. We've broken several records on the Brooklyn real estate scene. Could your property be the next BIG DEAL?
We’re getting more press than Donald Trump
January 29, 2016. Brennan Marketing & Sales set multiple records in 2015. With only six solid years in the brokerage business, our team has time and time again proven that (brokerage) size does not matter— with Brennan, you get local knowledge, with global reach.
Hello…It’s Me
January 21, 2016. New Year's Resolution: Get in shape! How do we look? Exercise more. Eat healthier. Travel often. The new year's resolutions are countless! At Brennan, we're "watching our figure" and getting in shape for 2016— how are we looking?
Seller’s Expectations
November 18, 2015. The real estate market has not only rebounded, it is stronger and more vibrant than ever.
The 6 Best DIY Tips to Prep Your Home for Sale
September 11, 2015. If you’re hoping to sell in the next year, it’s best to put your money towards small changes that have a big impact. Here are the six best DIY tips to prep your home before selling.
Finding Value in Today’s Market
August 18, 2015. The key to your dream home is finding value in today's market.
The Ultimate Home Seller Checklist
August 12, 2015. Take a look at this handy checklist to ensure you know all the important steps that go into selling your home.
Eric Adams on the East New York Renaissance
July 30, 2015. For decades, East New York, Brooklyn was associated with crime and abandonment, but is now poised to undergo a renaissance.
3 Reasons You Should Hire an Agent to Sell Your Home
July 27, 2015. There are plenty of statistics showing that hiring an agent is the smart choice. Check out these facts about hiring an agent vs. selling your home FSBO.
5 Seller Tips – How to sell faster, and for more money, in 2015
July 17, 2015. These great tips can help you get the results you want: to sell your home for the most money in the least amount of time.
Toren, #1407 – In Contract!
June 9, 2015. After acquiring the exclusive listing for Toren, unit 1407, agent Tiffany Lee received multiple offers and the listing quickly moved to highest and best within a couple months.
Brennan’s Season 2 Premiere on PIX 11’s Design Recipes!
June 5, 2015. It’s here! Watch our Season 2 Premiere on PIX 11’s Design Recipes with celebrity interior designer Cathy Hobbs, featuring a tour of 2 Strong Place.
The 2015 Komera Global Run in Brooklyn
May 13, 2015. Join us June 14th in supporting a great cause – the 2015 Komera Global Run in Brooklyn!Are you a Social Media Strategist?
April 15, 2015. We are now seeking a talented Social Media Strategist / Marketing Coordinator with knowledge in Adobe Creative Suite, Social Media platforms, and SEO.
Tips for Buying a New Construction Property
February 25, 2015. Our very own Donald Brennan offers tips on Cathy Hobbs’ Design Recipes about buying a new construction property.
Recently Closed – 15 Willow Street, featured in the New York Times!
October 3, 2014. 15 Willow Street closed on June 19th at $4,810,000, or $1,000 per sq ft. – $560,000 above asking.Greening Your Building
September 17, 2014. Get some helpful recommendations to take advantage of greening programs.
Strong Place Townhomes Nearing Completion
August 21, 2014. Townhomes at 2 and 4 Strong Place, Cobble Hill, Brooklyn, are nearing completion.
Polishing Up Our Brand and Image – Step One
July 31, 2014. We have recently undertaken the task of updating our brand and image – take a look at our new logo and leave-behind brochure.
Think With Your Head, Not Your Heart
June 17, 2014. Real estate can become entangled and inseparable from your own life if you make decisions with your heart and not your head.