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News & Notes

14 million girls under 18 will be married this year.

 That’s 38 thousand today – or 13 girls in the last 30 seconds.

Thousands of people around the world are coming together to run for education and gender equality for young women! Now is your time to show that you care.

Inspire change by running with us in the Komera Global Run 2016!

Won’t you join us  on Sunday, June 12th? REGISTER NOW!  [Contact us directly about sponsorship]


Here are three good reasons to run for the cause:

  • In developing countries, the #1 cause of death for girls 15-19 is childbirth.
  • If all girls had a secondary education, there would be two-thirds fewer child marriages.
  • A literate mother has a 50% higher chance that her child will survive past the age of 5.

Watch the video to learn more.


Because you could, at a time when she could not. Now is your time to show that you care. Register Now! 

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